Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The very low minimum salary in Chile

It's alarming to know that in Chile the minimum salary is 182,000 Chilean Pesos. It's hard to think that with that amount, some families have to
live, pay their rent, pay their children's education, food, and basic services like electricity, clean water, gas, etc.

To compare this with other countries, I know that in some that are more developed,
the minimum salary can be ten times bigger than in Chile, I can´t
believe it!
As I researched and found out , for example:
In England the minimum salary is around 1,200 euros, but consider
them only working 5 days a week, 40 hours a week. In Chile to obtain the
minimum wage, people must work shifts of 8 hours in the day, working 6
days a week, causing social problems like depression, unmotivated
people, parent-child estrangement, etc.

This is a frequent discussion, since the majority of Chileans believe
that this must change. In fact  it was the subject of May 1st, where
in the speech for the Workers' Day, someone from The Workers' United Center of Chile ( CUT - Central unitaria de trabajadores de Chile)
said : "We need a minimum wage ... we want to tell the government and
Parliament that the minimum wage this year should reach 250 thousand

What do you think?  Do you think the difference is large between countries?
Do you think that the government should increase the minimum salary to 250 thousand pesos
to achieve a better quality of life for Chileans?

                                                                                                    Mariángel Ruedi


  1. I totally agree that the minimum wage should be raise to 250 thousand pesos because in order to have better life quality you have to pay for it, now a days this world works by money, money moves it, to achieve a better standart of life you need to be able to afford it if you cannot afford it, you'll be limited to have what in basic terms is a necessity.It's clear that the reason why people tent to immigrate is to get a better life quality as they deserve to have.

  2. I think to change the minimum wage, firstly we all have to change our mind, because, there are jobs wich are very despised by the society, like teachers, who, although be very important for it, has a bad salary, wich is very unfair.
