Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Femicide: A global harm

According to the UN one in three women worldwide has been hit, obliged to have sexual intercourses or has suffered some kind of abuse through her life. Moreover, the World Health Organization says that more women die due to domestic violence than from cancer.  

This social problem is a universal phenomenon that persists in all the nations of the world. In several countries, governments and civil society develop several campaigns to put the issue on the table, raise awareness and know how to act in a situation like this.

However, this problem rather than decrease has been increasing in an alarming way during the last years. That’s the reason why I put this topic in order to be discussed and to get your opinions about it and try to answer the following question: Why do you think that despite all the campaigns throughout the world femicide figures are increasing?

Héctor Vielma J.

1 comment:

  1. First of all I think this topic is very interesting, not just for me, but for all women. Femicide is something that is happening right now, maybe meanwhile I write this, another woman, in my neighborhood is victim of violence. It's very shocking the number of women that had been hit or something like that. Obviously this is a society problem; men feel more powerful and higher than us, and women just accept this unfair condition, without fighting or try to arise (Men of this group, please, don't feel bad, is not a hint).
    Many campaigns had been made about this, but like Hector says, they aren't very effective.
    So about the question that you made I think that the increased femicides are a society problem, but more specific in women. Somebody will say: "really?" but yes. We are the responsibles, because we can't let that this situation continues. We must denounce, enforce our rights, do not allow this. Women that now are suffering violence the most of the times they don't say anything, they prefer to maintain calm and move on, and this is bad.
    Society is also one of the responsibles, because we are witness.
    The campaigns would be more successful if we change our thoughts. This is happening, this is bad, lets denounce and leave justice do its work. All the people must protect each other.
