Monday, May 21, 2012

Never is too late

Never is too late
We've all heard about the global warming and "the end of the world". Those topics are pretty popular nowadays.
But, is that true? The world is really going to end soon?.
About the global warming, the temperature of the planet is rising considerably, that is a fact.

The truth is that we are the only creature on earth that destroys the natural balance. We are the cancer of the earth, and we have become in a threat to the planet and ourselves. We are destroying our home, our only home! and the worst part is that we are not even aware of that.
We have the ability to think, but that doesn't make us better. We just have to see the history of humankind: wars, deaths, abortion, hate, racism, terrorism, starvation, pollution, destruction, deforestation, arms, nuclear bombs; the animals are our little brothers and we don't treat them as they deserve, we kill each other, we are aborting, we forgot the importance and the meaning of life.
There's definitely something wrong with us.
The earth is dying, we are killing it!.
If this continues we will turn the planet into a hostile place to live.

But it's not too late too make a change! There are simple things that we can do to stop this.
For example, walk instead of using the car, recycle, save water and electricity, use alternative energy sources, plant a tree...
I know that I wrote Never is too late, but if we don't do something now, it might be.

I really like this video and I would like to share it with you, it's called Back to the start.
So what do you think? Could we get back to the start?.

We live in a beautiful, amazing and fascinating world, but we are too busy to see that.

                                                                                                      Jose Pinochet Garrido.


  1. Very good video jose ! I really liked the video, it makes you realise how beautiful life was when human being was friendly with nature, WE ARE PART of nature, not owners of it! And I think its our duty as future teachers to make our students reflect about this topic. Again, great video ! :D

  2. agree with you, video is a very thoughtful and as our colleague mentioned as future teachers must be aware with nature and teach our students, they are the future generations and will be responsible for improving the planet, but no means no we should do nothing, so colleagues to care for the planet! :D

  3. I think that for how we treat nature at this time, the best thing we can do is to go back to the start. In an ideology way, to the time of ancient cultures when they respected and protected nature above everything else. I also think that the worst thing we do at this time is to see nature as something to market, a way to make money, and as my colleagues said in an earlier comment, we as future teachers need to teach to the future generations that they must protect the nature, the forests, the oceans, all other beings, we are all part of this world and we need to help keep it, not destroy it.

    "Humans are the best architects of their own undoing". we need to change the meaning of that sentence.

  4. I think this is one of the topics that we more talk nowadays, this because the world is dying and we are responsible. I think that the man has taken his intelligence of way very ambitious, as it has always pursued development and evolution as a way to make life easier, but has never cared whether this development affects other living things or if it affects the planet.
    The video is very interesting because it shows a way of life that we should never have lost, that is to live what you produce, live in nature without exploiting it.
