Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Illegal Inmigrants

Recently our country has become a pole of attraction for illegal inmigrants,mostly from Peru and Bolivia but also from other countries like Ecuador,Paraguay and Haiti...countries in which they can not find job opportunities.That is why all have the same goals: basically to find better jobs opportunities in order to send money to their families or to find a better quality of life in our country.
As a society often we don't realise about the inmigrants' homesickness about their culture and famiy.We have to think that...for them is extremely hard to arrive a new country with a different culture...often alone without the backup of their families.
Most of them come to our country to do jobs that here...nobody wants to do or are low paid...That's why Chileans take advantage of inmigrants who do these jobs, for example maids...besides being discriminated by society just because they are from another country...Their salaries are even lower than the Chilean maids and also inmigrants often live in such poor conditions.

I think is a very brave decision leave your country in search of better opportunities for you and your family...even more when it's illegal and you are risking your life for this opportunity of improve your live...and also I think that Chilean society have to make a change in their behaviour with these people....So... What do you think about this interesting topic?

    By Daniela Chacana


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with you. Many people arrive to different countries as illegal immigrants and for that reason they are under pay and receive bad treatments from their bosses...I think that immigrants deserve the same respect as a local person, so I believe that it is an obligation of the government protect to the immigrants from any abuse against them. We should have strict laws against those who does not respect the immigrants’ rights.

  3. I'm totally agree with you. The immigrants deserve the same respect and rights, that the chilean. Because they do the same things, and the same work. And not for to be of other country they should be discriminated.
    Us as future English teachers will want to travel to work in another country, and won't want to be discriminated. And for this we must teach our students to respect others (although that is taught at home)
