Thursday, June 14, 2012

Indigenous Influence on the Chilean language.

While searching for information about indigenous people here in Chile I end up realizing the influence from the indigenous people in our Language. And how we use some of their word without even realize that those word have indigenous origins. I will give a short list of some words with indigenous origins that we use.

-anticucho : grilled pieces of beef heart
-cochayuyo : Sea weed
-chirimoya : Cherimoya
-papa: potato
-palta: avocado
-guaso: country person
-cancha: place destinated to ball games
-guagua: baby
-garúa: drizzle

-cahuín : gossip
-guata : belly
-un pichintún : a little bit

It's said that language is really useful to know more about the culture of and specific place or country. What do you think about it?


  1. In another area we can realized the loss of Aboriginal Identity, is that in many countries, with other indigenous people recognize the aborigin language as their own language and they have instances where normal people can learn it. But, what about us? Almost none of us know at least one word in "mapudungun", obviously not counting the names of our cities. Or maybe we use those words but we don't recognize them as mapudungun.

    Why are we so anti-national?

  2. I think is natural thing wheen a lenguage is influeced by other native lenguages .. after all we speak " chilean spanish" .. we should feel proud abot the words in quechua or mapudungun that have influenced the "normal spanish" , because is a representation of our heritage
